
Baustab Speer Dienstbuch – Rottenführer Firlus – Berliner – Einsatzgruppe OT Russland Süd – Larger Eichkamp

Original price was: $275.00.Current price is: $245.00.

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Hard to find Third Reich ID for a member of the Baustab Speer! 

In the camps “foreign” or forced laborers from occupied territories, e.g. Poland, also prisoners of war, but also “unworthy of defense” Germans, e.g. homosexuals, politically persecuted, “half-Jews” and towards the end of the war also concentration camp prisoners from all countries had to work According to the protocols of the Wannsee Conference of January 20, 1942, they should also be murdered in principle. In some cases, they were also temporarily housed there for onward transport to other areas of operation, e.g. to France (see above). There were residential barracks in which, in some cases, entire families of “foreign workers” with children who, as evidenced by medical records found, were forced to work, were also housed, as well as work barracks – also for women, e.g. sewing rooms for “Eastern workers”, sick barracks and shielded prison camps. After evaluating a flight image, there were 18 standardized barracks in the center of the Eichkamp camp with around 2,000 people – around 100 per barracks – including guards.

He also served with OT Russland Süd behind the frontlines in southern Russia. 

It would seem he was dismissed in November 1943 in Berlin Grunewald