WWII Kriegsmarine Soldbuch – Matrosen Obergefreiter Pardon – Torpedofangboot F7 – Kurland Evacuations 1944/45 – Last Ditch April 1945 – Festungs Pak Abt 101 (Sold)
This nice little KM grouping to Helmut Pardon, Soldbuch was issued in 1941 and he was assigned to U-Boat Training in Pillau.
Although due to the course of the war Pardon would serve on Torpedofangboot (Torpedo Catch Boat) F7 – his Feldpost numbers were mostly obscured although I was able to find it out (29875).
In 1944/45 this boat was on active duty in the Baltic area, they were assigned to evacuations to the trapped Army Groups in Kurland. The boat is pictured a few times in his personal photos which show him swearing his oath to Germany/AH.
On the first of April 1945, he was assigned to: Festungs Pal Ersatz und Ausbildungs Abt 101 (A) – this unit was deployed all over the last sections of the front still in combat. Its been researched skilfully here: http://richard.tom-goebel.de/berlin-1945/festungs-pak
Last Comments:
We will never know if Pardon was onboard a UBoat or in the Battle of Berlin. Both are dead ends, but what we know is that he was for sure on the Kurland Coast during the battles. A nice KM Last Ditch Soldbuch. Comes with his 1937 Landjahr ID Booklet with a photo of him in Hitler Youth Uniform.