WWII German Army Soldbuch Major Müller – Died POW Camp Russia 1946 – EK1 – Rare
Soldbuch to Major Konrad Müller, born in Cologne in 1894. Worked as an architect and lived with his wife.
Served with the following front line units:
Infanterie Regiment 453 – 14th Panzer Abwehr Kompanie
Eisenbahn Pionier Regiment 2
Eisenbahn Pionier Regiment 25
Eisenbahn Bau Btl 513 – Armee Korps 17
The remaining parts of AOK 17 were collected at Army Group South Ukraine. The reorganization of the 17th Army began there in May 1944. From the end of July 1944, the newly formed 17th Army was then deployed in Galicia between San and Wisloka. From the beginning of October 1944 to mid-January 1945, the army was deployed for positional battles on the Wisloka between the Vistula and the Carpathians. The army then had to endure heavy retreat battles in western Galicia and the Upper Silesian industrial area. Until the end of the war, the army fought in central Silesia between the Neisse and Lauban. The defense of Breslau also fell within its area.
25.5.1915 – Iron Cross Second Class
20.2.1918 – Iron Cross First Class
1934 – Hindenburg Cross
10.12.1940 – War Merit Cross – Second Class
27.1.1942 – War Merit Cross – First Class
10.8.1942 – Eastern Front Medal
Entries on the last page:
Owner of this Soldbuch died in the hospital of POW Camp Tschesepowitz, Wologda 3.4.1946. Next of kin was informed. Müller was a Leader in the company Felten & Guilleaume.
His family grave in Germany there is a memorial to him also, even though he lays without a marked grave near the camp and never has been properly buried. (Picture Attached)