Wehrmacht Soldbuch – Uffz Böge – Landesschützen Batl 345 – Battle of Berlin 1945 (Hold)



Soldbuch to Unterfeldwebel Hermann Böge. This World War I veteran, 157 cm short and already 55 years old, was called up for the Endkampf in March 1945, retaining his WWI rank. He was a Berlin resident and remained in his city to serve with Landesschützen-Bataillon 345, at that time located in Berlin-Lichterfelde. Though originally not intended for front line fighting, this Landesschützen unit was trapped in the city and did see fierce action during the last weeks of the war, fighting off the 1st Ukrainian Front.

As he is not listed on the Volksbund database, we can assume Böge survived the Battle of Berlin and entered Russian captivity – or perhaps he was able to avoid POW time by throwing off his uniform and returning to his wife in the Stettiner Strasse.  Before the battle began he was issued a K98 rifle and 100 rounds of ammo The Soldbuch has a fantastic photo showing the veteran wearing a greatcoat

Fought against the 1st UkFr, 7 Panzer G Korps in Berlin 1945 

Also featured in the Berlin 1945 book in progress.