Soldbuch – Unteroffizier Ewald Hoffmann – Grenadier Regiment 338 (208 Inf Div) – Close Combat Days – Combat Report (Hold)



Wehrmacht Soldbuch 

Unteroffizier Ewald Hoffmann 

Hoffmann had his Soldbuch issued in Cottbus on the 10th of May 1940 with

14.(Panzer Abwehr) Infanterie Ersatz Regiment 208


Gefreiter 21.12.1940 – 14/. Infanterie Regiment 338 

Obergefreiter 1.4.1943 – 14/. Infanterie Regiment 338 

Unteroffizier 1.5.1945 – Stab/ Feld Ersatz Bataillon 208 

Frontline Units 

From 1940 till 1944, Hoffmann served with Grenadier Regiment 338, in the 14th Kompanie which was the designated company for fighting tanks and was likely armed with a small field gun. The Regiment fought under the Command of the 208th Infanterie Division. 

Interestingly the Regiment was used to break out an encircled unit under orders from the Regiment commander ‘Gruppe Kuzmany’ in January 1942. According to the Lexikon der Wehrmacht the following information builds a picture of what Hoffmann and his Soldbuch bore witness to. 

The Gruppe Kuzmany was placed under the 18th Panzer Division in order to liberate the Gilsa Group (216th Infantry Division) in Sukhinichi, which had been encircled since December 29, 1941. Fighting their way through Bukan, Bryni and Popkowo to Sukhinichi. Finally, on January 24, 1942, the ring was breached and Gilsa’s Group was liberated. The remaining parts of the 208th Infantry Division were fighting northeast of Shisdra at this time. These advances served as flank protection for the operation to liberate the troops in Sukhinichi. The focal points of these battles were in the towns of Paliki, Duminitschi-Stadt, Duminitschi-Bahnhof, Uwertnoje, Usty and Kasar. In March 1942 the fighting began, which ended on April 1, 1942 in the Shisdra – Drowotan position. It was here that Hoffmann was first wounded. 

Soviet Counter Attack at Orel July 1943 (Also known as Operation Kutuzov) 

On July 11, 1943, the Soviet major attack on the Orel front arch began. At the beginning of this attack there were strong artillery fire and ground attack aircraft on the front and rear areas of the 208th Infantry Division and the most severe defensive battles developed again in the area between Tolkatschewo and Paltschikowo in the next few days. Again and again the enemy attacked the positions of the 338 Grenadier Regiment lying there with strong infantry and tanks. The losses here were extraordinarily high. But although the enemy also suffered heavy losses, the force of his attack continued undiminished and the division ultimately had to withdraw gradually and fight. By July 17, 1943, the left wing of the division withdrew to the Mashok and the right wing to the Nugr. On the same day the enemy managed to cross the Nugr and pushed the division back to the Roshok. The situation in this section of the front was so dramatic that the 208th Infantry Division was ordered to hold the line from the grove south of the Viehfriedhof-Rjalowo-Roschok – Abschnitt-Messenka-Mashoklauf to the last man! 

Arbitrary, retrograde movements should be brought to a stop with the firearm. The division commander was personally held responsible for carrying out this order. On July 18 the staff of the 208th Infantry Division was moved to Bolchow and he took over the business of the city commandant there. 

Beginning on July 20, 1943, the division received the order to assemble in the area 15 km southeast of Bolchow (at the Orel-Bolchow road). On July 25th the division had to dig in again as quickly as possible in the line height 246.4 (500 m south of Nowsynez) -height 230.6-height 237.5-north edge Trubchewo, with the front to the north and east.

Due to the division’s heavy losses in July 1943, it was only managed as the “Combat Group 208th Infantry Division”. The division’s losses for July 1943 totaled: 20 officers and 480 NCOs and men were killed. 76 officers and 2,450 NCOs and men were wounded. 13 officers and 630 NCOs and crews were considered missing.

Hoffmann had managed to see the month of July out without injury, after seven days of Close Combat… 


With Grenadier Regiment 338 / 208 ID fought hard to the end of the war, and has many mentions in the Lexikon der Wehrmacht –

208th Infanterie Division was ordered to disengage with the enemy and make its way to the West, but it was too late and the remnants were taken prisoner in Hohenelbe – Turnau by the Red Army. 


It is unknown if Hoffmann ever returned home, he is not listed in any grave lists or missing lists. 



1.8.1942 – Wounds Badge Black 

20.8.1942 – Eastern Front Medal 

15.3.1943 – Iron Cross Second Class  – Awarded in the Orel area. 

7.4.1943 – Silver Wounds Badge 

5.8.1944 – Infantry Assault Badge in Silver – Awarded in the Beskiden area. 


Assault Days

12.7.1943 – Paltschikowo

15.7.1943 – Reprino 

4.10.1943 – Borki 

5.11.1943 – Rakowka 

Singed off by Oberleutnant Günter Zippel (DKiG) 


Close Combat Days 

12.7.1943 – Platshikowo

13.7.1943 – Chomjakowo

14.7.1943 – “

15.7.1943 – Reprino

16.7.1943 – “

17.7.1943 – Rjaplowo

18.7.1943 – “

Singed off by Oberleutnant Günter Zippel (DKiG) 



2.3.1942 – Arrived at the reserve hospital in Memmingen, with a sprinter stuck in his left upper leg. 

22.9.1943 – Infantry Bullet again in his left upper leg, this time it went right through his leg. 

24.2.1943 – Grenade Splinter right temple.Â