WWII Wehrpass Luftwaffe Leutnant Hahne Flak Abteilung 18 – 8.8cm Flak – Operation Market Garden Holland – RARE

SKU: JBST16 Category:


A desirable Wehrpass, Emil Hahne from Bochum, Germany born in 1919. 

Hahne worked in his civilian life as a Finance Administrator. He was in the Hitler Youth, awarded the Reichs Jugend Abzeichen and later the Reichssportabzeichen.

Hahne volunteered in 1937 for service, shortly after his RAD service he was sent as a volunteer to Flak Regiment 4 (Dortmund) in 1938. 


Search light 150cm Model 34 & 37 

K98 Rifle 

Radio Trained 

8.8cm Flak 18 & 36 

Command Device 1940 

Radio Fu.M.G.39 

Special training 

November 1942 – Troop Leader – School in Berlin 

Heavy Weapons Training – Command 

Further training on Heavy Weapons and measuring/command devices. 


10.1939 – Gefreiter 

10.1940 – Obergefreiter 

11.1941 – Uffz Cadet 

12.1941 – Uffz 

9.1942 – Wachtmesiter 

2.1943 – Leutnant 


7.9.1942 – Flak Badge 

15.11.1944 – Iron Cross Second Class (16 Flak Division)

1.11.1944 – War Merit Cross Second Class with Swords (16 Flak Division)

Badges for the following trades; Funker & Flak 

Frontline Units:

12.1938 till March 1943 

Flak Regiment 4 

Around 500 days fighting! Are entered in the Wehrpass for the defence of areas with the Flak unit. In North West Germany (Dortmund). 

8.1.1944 till 10.9.1944 

Stab/Gemischte Flak Abteilung 652 (v) – RAD 

11.9.1944 till Wars End

Flak Regiment 18 (mot) (16 Flak Division) 

The divisional command post was located in Huis Ter Heide in Holland from September 22nd. During the Allied airborne operation in the Nijmegen-Arnhem area (Operation Market Garden), the division was briefly placed under the command of the 1st Parachute Army in September 1944. On October 9th, 1944, the divisional command post moved to Apeldoorn and on October 23rd, 1944 to Doetinchen. On February 9th, 1945, the divisional staff was converted into the General Command of the VI. Flakkorps, and the division was thus disbanded.

Entered in the Wehrpass: 

Retreating Battles front he areas: Arnhem, Winterswijk, Hättstedte, Haaksbergen, Enschede, Dreierwalde, Bippen, Quakenbrück, Hemmelte, Beverbrück, Littel, Oldenburg till Cuxhaven. 

Daily enemy contact including artillery fire. 


Very desirable entries!