WWII German Wehrmacht Wehrpass Grouping – Brothers Sievers Killed in Action – Sturmgeschütz Brigade 912  – Killed in Kurland 1944 – Rare (sold)

SKU: AM144 Category:


Brothers Hugo and Klaus both fell in combat. 

Wehrpass 1 – Gefreiter Hugo Sievers – Killed on the 6th of November 1944 in Galauee / Kurland (Latvia) – born in 1926, Called up in 1943, In August 1944 he was finished his training as a StuG driver. He arrived to his frontline unit : Sturmgeschütz Brigade 912 

It was involved in trench warfare in the Idriza-Sebijesh area until June 1944. The German retreat finally came to a halt in the Polotsk area. The 2nd battery then endured tough defensive battles at Lake Shablino. Until the collapse of Army Group Center, the brigade remained in the area on the Pustoschka – Oposchka runway. On July 11, 1944, the Russian offensive between Pskov and Opochka began. In heavy defensive battles, the brigade withdrew through Latvia to the Düna to Courland. Between October 6th and 13th, 1944 she took part in Operation “Donner”, the separation of the 18th Army from the Segewold position and its withdrawal behind the rear of the 16th Army via Riga and Tukkum to Courland.

Nice entry for Kurland in the Wehrpass on Page 30. He was killed 6.11.1944 – in Galauce north west of Autz, Latvia. Comes with his death certificate and five letters in covers, from October 1944 to his mother. Could be translated.

Wehrpass 2 – Klaus Sievers – Born in 1922, his name was changed in July 1942 to Sievers, seems to have a different mother. He was called up in 1941, trained on the K98 Rifle and the MG34 by April 192 he was with his frontline unit: Infanterie Regiment 257 (83 Inf Div) – killed on the eastern front (Welisch) 6.5.1942.  According to  further research he was killed by an antitank gun.

Klaus Wehrpass has his death certificate in the back pouch.

This set comes with a letter – a letter for both sons to the family from Feldwebel Lex to the family.





Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 30 in