WWII German Wehrmacht Soldbuch – Kanonier Hans Maier – Grenadier Regiment 126 (48 ID) France 1944 – With EKM (Dog Tag) – Battle for Vienna 1945
Great ID Grouping to Kanonier Maier from the Nuremburg area.
He was enlisted in April of 1944, and wen through a series of units, starting with Artillery through to a Grenadier.
Here is a list of his active units he served with:
- Landesschützen Batl 820 – Guarding POWs in Lauf near his hometown.
- Festungs-Artillerie-Abteilung 3086 – in Lower Austria
- Artillerie Regiment 148 – 48 Infantrie Division – France 1944
- Grenadier Regiment 126 – 48 ” ” – Slovakia / Austria 1945
From mid-September 1944 it was used to protect the mouth of the Saar in the Moselle near Wasserbillig. Here the division suffered heavy losses until the end of October 1944 and was therefore withdrawn from the front in November 1944. By order of October 9, 1944 (No. I/19817/44), the 48th Infantry Division (bo.) was reorganized and renamed the 48th Infantry Division. In mid-November 1944, the XIII. SS Army Corps the dissolution of the smashed division and the incorporation of the remnants into the 559th Volks-Grenadier-Division. After the remnants of the 48th Infantry Division had been incorporated, the 559th Volks-Grenadier-Division was temporarily renamed “Kampgruppe von Mühlen” (after their commander). The divisional staff of the 48th Infantry Division was used for tasks behind the front, and its supply troops were made available to the army.
In December 1944, the divisional headquarters and the supply units were transferred to Slovakia. The division was then reorganized in the Trenčín area. However, this was not completed by the end of the war, a combat group was still used in the Battle for Vienna 1945.
Final Comments:
What is clear is that in May of 1945 he arrived in a hospital with a code 34, both of his lower legs where in some sort of accident and were crushed.