WWII German Luftwaffe – Obgefr Rossmann – Flak Regiment 7 – 15 Flak Division – KIA – Gunner 8.8cm Flak – Ground Assault Certificate – Ground Assault Days!

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Wehrpass issued to Erich Rossmann, he was mainly fighting with the Flak Regiment 7, he was a trained 8.8cm Flak Cannon Gunner (Richtkreis. P22). He was also trained on the Flak 36.

1. Flak Badge – II Flakkorps 5.8.1941
2. Wounds Badge in Black – Flak Regiment 7
3. Ground Assault Badge . 15 Flak Division
4. Iron Cross Second Class – 20.7.1941 – II Flak Korps

In the battle calendar in the Wehrpass is a great additional two pages entered, these two pages are only in relation to the confirmed Ground Assault Days he took part in.

1. 14.10.1941 – Bridge Head Jelenka River – Flak Regiment 4
2. 8.8.1942 – 10KM South of Ssytschoff –
3. 9.8.1942 – 2km North west of Pjatigorsk
4. 11.11.1942 – Mairamadag (Close to Georgia)
5. 6.9.1942 – Bridge Mosdok – 17 Flak Div
6. 30.9.1942 – Ssagopschin – 17 …

On the 21.10.1943 – Rossmann was killed in action in Russia. research shows that he died due to artillery shrapnel wounds on both his limbs. His Wehrpass was returned to his father, with a letter stating he is receiving the Certificate for the Ground Assault Badge and the Medal would be sent to him in due course, with the Certificate for the Ground Assault Badge. Hand signed by Generalmajor (later Generalleutnant) Eduard Muhr DKIG – Killed in action also in 1944.

Comes with various Feldpost from Erich and could be translated.


Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 30 in