WWII German Airforce Luftwaffe Soldbuch – Stabsgefreiter Otto Schalk – Amsterdam-Schiphol (Holland) – Luftgau-Nachrichten-Regiment z.b.V. 1 – Wounds Badge Awarded July 1945! (Sold)

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Stabsgefreiter Otto Schalk

Schalk was born in Graz in 1920 and was a electrician by trade.

Soldbuch issued in October of 1939, with a Luftwaffe transport company.

Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur E 9/I

Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur E (v) 202/XI

Jul 1940 –  1944 in Amsterdam-Schiphol (Holland)

Luftgau-Nachrichten-Regiment z.b.V. 1

Its seems Schalke was wounded on the 25.4.1945 and was in the Marine Hospital at Sanderbusch, the hospital was moved to the Marine hospital in Wihlemshaven.

Final Comments

Interestingly, Schalk was awarded the Wounds Badge in Silver, which means what ever injury he sustained it was likely the loss of a limb. He continued to get his pay till late 1945, suggesting he was still not discharged from a military hospital. The Awarding of a Silver Wounds Badge Post war is very uncommon and only was applicable in specific cases. It was likely already denazified (he may have gotten nothing in terms of the medal itself). His service spanned the whole war, although I was unable to find out where he may have went into action in April 1945. Although it was likely in North Germany as they retreated from Holland. Another point to note was that there is a piece of Paperwork allowing Schalk to drive to Amsterdam in late 1944. An interesting Soldbuch given the fact he was one of the occupying forces in Amsterdam working around the Airport facilities.



Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 30 in