WW2 Soviet – Medal Group – Three Men – Incredible Story – KIA – Latvia 1944 – Destoryed Tank – Killed up to 200 Enemy Soldiers – Super Rare – Order of Glory – Medal for Courage

SKU: KM400 Category:


This grouping came from a private collector, found after the war in a bunker in Lubanna with a metal detector. 

There was a puzzle with this grouping, as two men are listed as buried in Latvia and have graves, until the research was completed. 

What is clear, these soldiers had their medals taken off and collected already during the war. Likely a field hospital or something similar. How do we know that? The last medal with research, the soldier was killed and buried one month before his unit arrived in Latvia in 1944. So these were clearly kept in order to either send back or to return them to family but never happened. 

All documentation from the archives including the divisional maps and wartime burial locations and unit daily reports will be supplied as a file to the new owner. 

PLEASE NOTE: See all images with annotations. 

Three Soldiers:

  1. Red Army Private – Vasily Zotov – Russian –  41st Anti-Tank Brigade

Medal for Courage – 350689 – “During the fight from 11th till 20th of July 1943, he was a driver towing a 76mm Anti Tank cannon on a trailer. Under enemy machine-gun and mortar fire, he restored the car, oil sump, radiator, changed 5 cylinders, re-tightened the bearings, and repaired the water pump. Restored a captured Praga car. From a direct hit by a mine, a car loaded with ammunition and fuel, Comrade Zotov led the burning car out of the cluster of cars to the side for 200 meters, he then loaded part of the ammunition from the burning car.

Comments: Zotov upgraded his medal holder to look like the early model of the Medal for Courage, commonly seen. Please see the photographs with annotations.

Zotov was killed in battle in Latvia 1944 and buried see the photos and maps annotated.



2. Red Army Guards NCO Balakin – Commander of Artillery Battery.

Medal for Courage (Original First Pattern) – 134496 – In the battle near the village of Pshenachina, Smolensk region, on November 27, 1942, he destroyed 2 houses with firing points with direct fire. Destroyed 3 machine guns. Being surrounded near the village of Tsitsina 12/8/1942. blew up 1 enemy tank. In battle, he behaved boldly and bravely, worthy of a medal for courage.

Order of Glory – Third Class – 16983 –

During the period of hostilities for the villages of Antonova, Rozhnovo, Skryabino, Vorotkovo, Novo Sokolnichesky district of the Kalinin region from 01/27/44 to 02/02/44, the battery of Comrade Balakin destroyed a mortar battery, 6 machine-gun points, the fire of two artillery batteries and 4 machine-gun points of the enemy was suppressed, up to 200 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed. In the battle for the village of Lamanovo in the Novo Sokolnichesky district of the Kalinin region on 02/07/44, the enemy launched a counterattack on the combat formations of the 3rd battalion of the 258th Guards Rifle Regiment, in 45 seconds a stationary barrage of the battery was called, despite the fact that the firing position was heavily shelled by enemy mortar fire, 2 people of the crew were disabled by mine fragments, communication was interrupted, Comrade Volakin, under enemy fire, fearlessly directed battery fire at the counterattacking enemy, the counterattack was repulsed, the enemy left 3 machine guns on the battlefield and up to 30 people were killed. Our infantry moved forward.” 

Interestingly, he was put forward for a second degree Order of Glory, but was given the Order of Glory third class. Balakin, fell in combat near Lubana, Latvia in August of 1944, he is buried in Mierini Latvia. 


3. Red Army NCO Neudachin – Blacksmith Killed in Estonia 1944 – Buried at Kolkhoz May 1st – Grave Number 2 – 31.07.1944

Medal for Military Merit – 1019025 –

Blacksmith in Veterinary infirmary – Red Army Nevrozy – “During the battles from 20.6 to 3.07.1944, under artillery and mortar fire he evacuated successfully eight wounded horses.
He has worked as a blacksmith forging since 1942, he forges horses perfectly. Born in 1915, Russian Nationality, Member of FKP, drafted by Ishimbayevsky RVC in 1940, 1942: Censored information.”



Original Footage of the Riga Offensive 1944
