WW1 German Solders ID Tag and “Battle-damaged” Pocket Watch – Karl Bernhardt – Ers.Batl Fuss. Gar. Batt Nr 5112 –




Incredible little group.

The battle damage likely deflected shrapnel or a bullet.

The German Dog Tag is marked with:

Karl Bernhardt

Born: 12.1.1897

Unit: Ersatz Batl Fuss Gar Batt Nr 5112

Research shows that Karl Bernhardt survived the war and died in his hometown of Moers in 1966 of ill health.

Watch: Incased old watch, was hit and opened, his name and date of birth matching the tag are engraved inside the watch.

When we took this apart to show you the internal system of the watch it began to move. We have a video of it and will be given to the next owner… 




Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 30 in