Wehrpass – Uffz Rehberg – Führer Kurierstaffel (Führerhauptquartier) – Plane Crash KIA (On Hold)



Wehrpass to Unteroffizier Herbert Rehberg. 

Rehberg was a Tennis teacher by trade, and was single. 

Issued in January 1937, in Hamburg. Rehberg volunteered to join the Luftwaffe in 1937. 

After a short stint in the RAD he was assigned to a flying training, and by early 1938 he arrived with: 

Kampfgeschwader 157 Boelcke and later Kampfgeschwader zbv 1., serving in Denmark, Norway and later Holland. 

Rehberg was assigned in late 1942 to the Führer Kurierstaffel, based at the Führerhauptquartier in Rastenburg. 

Provided with aircraft to provide courier and liaison services to the Führerhauptquartier (Hitler’s headquarters). 

Rehberg was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class and the Pilots Badge. 

Rehberg was piloting a Bf 108 B-1, with one other person on board when the plan had some difficulties and crashed near Sangershausen, killing both on board, on the 12th of November 1942. Rehberg was recovered and buried in his home area in Hamburg. 


A very interesting Wehrpass to an obscure and small unit that flew important messages and people close to Hitler. Other documents to this unit are extremely hard to find.