Wehrpass – Rauscher with KIA Letter! – KIA – 2CM FLAK! – FLAK BADGE!
Ernst Rauscher – Nice Picture with his RAD uniform!
He wont he HJ Leistungs Abz!
His First Unit was – Flak Regiment 25 – Göppingen.
And his second Unit was Flak Lehr Regiment Tutow.
His last Unit was – 1./ Flak Rgt 411 (mot s)
He would fight in central Russia until his death.
He served the Sudetenland then in Poland in 1939, in France in 1940 and in Russia during the outbreak of war in 1941.
His medals –
He won the Sudetenland Medal
Iron Cross 2nd Class in Russia
Flak Kampf Abz (Flak Medal) in Russia.
He was trained on –
Kar 98 Rifle
2cm Flak 30
Luger Pistol P08
1m- gerät R34
Over the top of his KIA entry was a piece of small paper with ‘’Gefallen’ which has since come loose, but could be glued back on.
This Wehrpass comes with a letter informing his Mother of the details surrounding his death.
very sad latter from his Battery Commander Oblt Manfred Nägele
He was KIA with his Battery members in Trostino, 10kms west of Raschow.
Modern Footage of a 2CM Flak!
[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4vd__Z1eQw’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ custom_class=” av_uid=’av-2y4sbs’]