Wehrpass – Gefreiter Arnold Huesmann – Landesschützen Batl 660 – KIA Italy Cassino February 1944



Gefreiter Arnold Huesmann 

Huesmann was born on the 24th of October 1905 in Germany into a Protestant family. He was married and worked in his civilian life as a farmer. 

His Wehrpass was issued in April 1940, and by October 1940, he had sworn an allegiance to Adolf Hitler with a Infantry replacement unit in Heide. 

He served as a guard with Landesschützen Batl 660 in the Munsterlarger for nearly two years before being sent to the Front. 

Huesmann arrived in Italy with Landesschützen Batl 686, and was killed in Anagni, Italy on the day before the official Battle for Cassino began. According to online sources the town was badly smashed on the Allied advance lines by heavy aerial bombardment. 

Huesmann was killed and buried in Anagni, but it seems he was later reburied in the main German Cemetery at Cassino, Italy. 


Additional information

Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 30 in