SS Soldbuch – SS -Sturmmann Schmidt – SS Panzer Pioneer Batl 11 (SS Panzer Division Nordland) – Battle of Tannenberg Narwa – Outstanding Grouping (On Hold)

An outstanding grouping to one of the most famous battles of the Waffen SS, also known as the battle of the European SS. 

The Battle at Tannenberg Line 1944 

SS Soldbuch Issued in July of 1943 with:

SS Panzer Pioneer Batl 11 (SS Panzer Division Nordland) 

From August 20, 1943, the division, which was still in formation, was relocated from the “Grafenwoehr” military training area to the area south of Sisak, about 50 km southeast of Agram. In addition to further training, the division was used for partisan operations and for the disarming of Italian units in the Sambor and Karlovac area. In December 1943 the division had a strength of 12,462 men. It was relocated to the Kirowa area at the Oranienbaumer Kessel and placed under the 18th Army. When the Red Army was able to break into the positions of the 9th and 10th Air Force Field Divisions deployed on the eastern edge of the Kessel on January 14, 1943, parts of the 11th SS Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division were used to clear up the situation used. After the Red Army had successfully advanced its offensive, the division finally reached the Narva in heavy defensive battles. Here the front stabilized again. In mid-February 1944, the division received replacements, so that by the end of February 1944 it had a strength of 11,134 men. While the positions on the Narva held, the division was moved to the southwest to stop the enemy troops penetrating to Vaivara and Auvere. The advance of the Red Army southwest of Narva was halted in heavy fighting. The front calmed down in the area of ​​the “Narva” army department by the summer of 1944. On June 30, 1944, the division had a strength of 11,020 men. From July 1944, the division was involved in heavy defensive battles on the Narva. On July 25, 1944, the division had to withdraw to the “Tannenberg” position between Vaivara and Auvere. Heavy fighting broke out here at the beginning of August. On August 10, 1944, the Red Army succeeded in breaking through the front south of the Pleskauer See and advancing the area east of Vöru. As a result, the “Narva” army department, to which the 11th SS Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division belonged, was given the task of stopping the advance of Russian troops between Lake Wirz and Lake Peipus. It was possible to contain the Russian intrusion and hold it back for the time being. When Estonia was evacuated in mid-September 1944, the division marched into the Baldone area and was deployed from here to relieve the Latvian capital. Up to September 26th there was heavy fighting with enormous losses on both sides. The German units succeeded in stopping the Russian advance on Riga. The division was then moved to the Dobele area. When Russian troops reached the Baltic Sea near Polangen on October 14, 1944, the division was taken from the front and assembled in the Priekule area to force the breakthrough to the south. But the Red Army got ahead of the German plans to attack. The 1st Battle of Courland began on October 16, 1944, when the Russian troops hit the division with full force. Even so, the division managed to hold onto its positions. The division was able to hold its lines even during the 2nd Battle of Courland. On January 23, 1945 there were again attacks with the focus on Priekule as part of the 4th Battle of Courland. Russian troops managed to break into German positions several times. Together with the 14th Panzer Division, the division managed to maintain its space. At the end of January 1945, the division was finally pulled from the front and loaded onto ships in Libau.


  1. Wounds Badge in Black – Narwa
  2. Iron Cross Second Class – Won in Kurland 1944


K98, full SS Camo, including cap.

Pictures and Documents

  1. Wound Tag – grenade splinter in Narwa
  2. Soldbuch Photo
  3. Two Photos of the famous Orphanage Hill (Very famous in SS History at Narwa!) Incredible photos!
  4. SS School Prag – training at Pioneer school
  5. Family photos and train tickets

Schmidt was captured in Latvia, as his Soldbuch has no more entries for 1944 and the bulk of the division escaped from the pocket. Noted on the first page, in Russian – Dead 17.8.1945 

There is no record of him sadly, he like many are lost…
