Soldbuch & Wehrpass – Obergefreiter Gorzolnik – “Artillerie-Kommandeur Hammerfest” – Norway (Sold)



Soldbuch and Wehrpass set to Obergefreiter Alois Gorzolnik 

Gorzolnik was born on the 11.4.1909 in Ratibor (Today Racibórz, Poland), he was married with two children. 

He was enlisted into the Wehrmacht in January 1941. 

Trained on the following weapon systems: 

K98 Rifle, Norwegian Rifle, Light MG 100 (H) known as the Lewis Gun. Light MG Colt 245 (n) a Norwegian Colt made Machine Gun. 

The captured French Artillery – l.F.H 414 (f) and the 10.5cm Cannon 332 (f) 

Gorzolnik was also trained as the Gas Attack tester for the battery! 

Joining his frontline unit on March 1943: 

13.1941 – 1.1943 – Küsten Artillerie Batterie 873  – Heeres-Küsten-Artillerie-Regiment 449 – Stationed in Børselvnes, Norway. Armed with 15.5cm Polish made Artillery. 


1.1943 – 3.1943 – Heeres Küsten Artillerie Regiment 971 – Stationed in Børselvnes, Norway.

4.1943 – 5.1945 – Küsten Artillerie Regiment 979 – Justöen near Lillesand armed with four 10,5-cm Kanone K 332 (f) – French Made. 


The Soldbuch and Wehrpass are as for 99% of the ID documents not displaying openly the Swastica as was required, this was done by the units.

In the rear of the Soldbuch is a photo of Gorzolnik and his wife.

Remnants seen below of his unit in Børselvnes, Norway.