Soldbuch – Uffz Eitner – Wounded during ‘Battle of Berlin 1945’ – Soviet Capture/release Papers (Reserved)
Luftwaffe Soldbuch to Unteroffizier Herbert EidnerÂ
Eidner was born on the 23.2.1918 in Chemnitz Germany. In his civilian career he was a hairdresser.
He was enlisted in the Luftwaffe in January 1940, serving with Flak replacement units till 24.6.1940, when he was assigned to the Aufklarungsgruppe 11 serving in the Balkans.
On the 2.1942 – 8.1944 – Flakabteilung 733 in Berlin Tegel – Awarded the: Flak Artillerie Specialist Badge
On the 24.8.1944 – 1945 – Ãœbungsbatterie zbv (Schwere Flak Abteilung 211) – in Berlin Sputendorf.
During the Battle of Berlin 1945 (Defence Sector D) Uffz Eidner was wounded due to grenade splinters in his right foot, he was then captured by Soviet Soldiers.
Soviet Documents in the back of the Soldbuch reveal that he was in the hospital in Potsdam and was seen by Generalmajor Dr Pawlow, who decided to release Eitner from the hospital, by June 1945 he was declared 40% disabled due to the injury.