Soldbuch Set – Unteroffizieranwärter Buchholz – Panzer Grenadier Regiment 126 (23 Pz Div) – Gold Wounds – Panzer Badge Bronze ! (HOLD)



Soldbuch to Gunter Buchholz. 

Born in 1924 in Germany.

He served almost exclusively with:

Panzer Grenadier Regiment 126 (23rd Panzer Division) 

The 23rd Panzer Division was part of the German defence and retreat in the southern Ukraine, frequently being moved between crisis points. Between April and July 1944 it was a part of the 8th Army within the Army Group South Ukraine defending the area to the north of Jassy.

Buchholz was badly wounded with 31b (Shrapnel), it would seem he lost his eye or vision on one side.

He was awarded the following: 

Panzer Badge Bronze – Signed by Oberst Menton – DKIG, Ehrenblatt, a personal friend of Rommel and former Commander of 288 Sonderverband

Wounds Badge Silver

Iron Cross Second Class

Wounds Badge in Gold

All award certificates come with this lot.


The Soldbuch photo is extremely rare, I have not seen such a wounded Soldiers Soldbuch Picture before. A nice set to a real ‘Panzer Grenadier’