Soldbuch – Grenadier Sumser – Festungs-Bataillon A – Norway (Sold)



Wehrmacht Soldbuch to Grenadier Gottfried Sumser

Gottfied Sumser was born on the 18.10.1911.

His Soldbuch was issued on the 30th of October 1944, after a few

Fortress Battalion A was set up in Norway in May 1944 with four companies. After the shift in forces in Autumn 1944 (269th Infantry Division was moved from Bergen to France and the staff of the 280th Infantry Division from Förde to Bergen), the Festungs Battalion A was moved to Voss. Location of the Fortress Battalion A in April 1945. 
Sumser was with the 4th Radfahr-Kp. (36853E): Eidsvaag in Bergen.
Interestingly Radfahr Companies were issued normally push bikes.
Sumser was still a POW in September 1946 given the fact that his injections for typhus are recorded in French on a separate piece of paper.