Luftwaffe Soldbuch – Oberwachtmeister ‘Der Spieß’ Schilling – Flak Abteilung 456 – 8 Awards – France 1944 & Holland 1945!n (Sold)

Great little group to an important NCO! 

Oberwachtmeister Schilling was already a member of the Armed forces as early as 1933! 

He served in various Flak and Artillery units most importantly with the following: 

Flak Regiment 11 

Flak Abteilung 852 

He served most of the war with this unit, most interestingly they were stationed in St Nazaire and spent then most of their time in Rennes in Brittany France, and pushed back to Colmar later that year. 

It would seem that by 1945 he was sent to a few units in a short period, although this proves to be an interesting path in Holland into Germany:

In February 1945  Achterluk (Holland) to the Geldern area. On March 1, 1945, the brigade was deployed on a mobile basis in the area to the left of the Rhine, where it also took over the units of the 4th Flak Division deployed there. On March 9, 1945, the command area then moved to the right bank of the Rhine.

On March 18, 1945, the brigade command post was in Oestrich west of Dorsten, and on March 31, 1945 in Münster i.W. In mid-April 1945 the brigade staff moved to Oldenburg and at the end of April to the Elbe in the Cuxhaven area.

Flak Abteilung 456 

It would seem right at the end of the war, Shilling won the Luftwaffe Ground Combat Badge fighting near Cuxhaven against the allies. 


  1. Service Medal 4th Class
  2. Medal for Memory of the Annexation 1938 
  3. Iron Cross Second Class 
  4. Flak Specialist (?) 
  5. Unknown 
  6. Black Wounds Badge (Wounded fighting on the Westfront) with Award Cert
  7. Flak Badge 
  8. Luftwaffe Ground Assault Badge (April 1945!) With Award Cert – Signed by Oberst Nabakowski (German Cross in Gold Holder) 

Issued a MP40

Summary; a nice Soldbuch grouping to a West Front Flak unit, could be further researched as I am sure there are some nice facts to find out! 
