Luftwaffe Soldbuch – Obergefreiter GOLDMANN – 17. Luftwaffen-Feld-Division – 167 Volksgrenadier Division – France 1944 / Ardennes 1944/45 – Bastogne (SOLD)
Luftwaffe Soldbuch for Obergefrieter Goldmann, born in Ampen (Soest) Germany in 1908.
Worked as a builder before the war and was a protestant. Married to Martha Goldmann, address in Warne an der Lippe, Germany.
Soldbuch issued on the 13.January 1942 with:
13.1.1942 – 14.4.1942 Leicht Flak Ersatz Abteilung 94
15.4.9142 – 17.7.1942 – Reserve Flak Abteilung 921Â
14.7.1942 – 30.9.1942 – Reserve Flak Abteilung 251Â –Â In Dresden
1.10.1942 – 29.1.1943 – Leichte Flak Abteilung 728 – In Dresden
20.1.1943 -1.2.1944 – Nachschub Kompanie 17 (L) – France 1944, Le Harve (17. Luftwaffen-Feld-Division)
November 1, 1943 in the Le Havre area in northern France. The unit was created by taking over the Luftwaffe Field Division 17 from the Luftwaffe to the Army. With the formation, the unit was placed under the 17th Field Division (L). In northern France, the unit was destroyed in September 1944. On September 28, 1944, the unit was officially disbanded.
Just a few weeks after it was formed, the division was assigned to Army Group D in January 1943 and moved to northern France. After the arrival of the last formations of the division in February 1943, it was used for coastal security in the area between Dieppe and Le Havre. On November 1, 1943, the division was taken over by the army (for the renaming of the division as Feld-Division 17 (L) see here). At the beginning of 1944, the division was converted into a native infantry division under the formation of the Jäger-Regiment 47 (L). The division remained in place after the Allied invasion began in June 1944. After the Allied formations broke out of the Caen bridgehead, the division was drawn into the general German retreat and in early September 1944 found itself in heavy defensive fighting against strong British and Canadian formations. Eventually the division between Ghent and St. Nicolas was broken up and officially dissolved on September 28, 1944.
12.10.1944 – POW –Â Versorgungs Regiment 167
The re-created division, now designated 167. Volksgrenadierdivision, took part in the Ardennes Offensive. On New Years Day, it, along with the 5th Parachute Division, aided the panzers in defending the area around the Belgian town of Lutrebois in Luxembourg. Alongside the 5th Fallschirm-Division, the 167.VGD advanced towards Bastogne and was then committed in fighting the Americans just east and south of the city once the encirclement broke in the last week of December 1944.
While the three were able to hold off the approaching Americans and dealt heavy casualties to their enemies, the situation elsewhere in the Ardennes was different and the 167th was ordered to fall back.
Soldbuch details:
Found unfit for tropical service
Security Stamp – Page 11 – Divisions Versorgungs Regiment 167 (167. Volksgrenadier-Division)
Issued in 11.1944 a Red Cross Waterproof ID
Helmet with Camo Net
Camo Jacket
K98k with Bayonet – Interestingly he was issued twice a rifle in December 1944 and April 1945.
He was issued also ammunition a few times.
War Merit Cross with Swords – 17th LW Feld Division (1.4.1944)
An interesting Luftwaffe Soldbuch career, taking part in defending Normandy, Goldmann survived his unit being wiped out, and was set up in a new division, which would go on to fight in the Ardennes Offensive. In a very sought after battle, the battle for Bastogne. He seems to have