Heer Wehrpass – Obergefreiter Bauer – Infanterie Regiment 270 (93 Inf Div) – GESTAPO – KIA – 4 Medals! (On Layaway)
A large grouping of IDs for Obergefreiter Bauer.
He worked for the Gestapo in Saarbrücken for around 1 year between 1937/38.
He was on active duty in the Wehrmacht with:
Infanterie Regiment 270 (93 Inf Div)
After the completion, the division moved to the Saar-Palatinate to secure the western border. At the beginning of the western campaign, the division remained in its positions and took part in the breakthrough through the Maginot Line to Epinal in June 1940. After the French campaign, the division was given leave of absence from August 26, 1940 to February 14, 1941, with the exception of the regular troops. After the division was recalled, the division was relocated to France as an occupation force.
After the start of the Russian campaign, the division moved to the Eastern Front at the end of June / beginning of July 1941. The division marched through Wesenberg, Narva and through the Luga position as far as Leningrad. From October 1941 to March 1942 the division was at the Oranienbaumer Kessel. In May 1942 the division moved to the Wolchow and Tigoda north of Lake Ilmen, where heavy trench warfare broke out. From August to November 1942, the division was then used on Lowat southwest of Cholm.
Bauer was hit in the head by a splinter and was killed as a result.
His awards:
1. Infantry Assault Badge
2. Eastern Front Medal
3. War Merit Cross with Swords
4. Iron Cross Second Class
Included are many of his other ID papers, including the Kennkarte of his widow.