Heer Soldbuch – Uffz König – Artillerie Regiment 182 (82 Inf Div) – France / Holland (Ralph Fiennes Double!)
Soldbuch to Herbert König
Born in Altona in 1914, König entered the German Army in 1939.
He served exclusively with:
Artillerie Regiment 182 (82 Inf Div)
The division was on furlough from August 1940 to February 1941 and then occupation force in the Netherlands. The division commander was also commander of the army troops in the Netherlands.
On February 7, 1942, the expansion to a full assault division was ordered. On March 1, 1942, the three infantry regiments each received a 13th IGC.
After breaking out of the Kastornoje pocket, the division near the front was refreshed and received new Fp numbers in the summer of 1943.
After breaking out of the “Hube” pocket near Kamenetz-Podolsk, the division was disbanded except for a division group of 82, which met in regimental strength with the 254th Infantry Division. The remaining staff was formed on November 22, 1944 as Divisional Staff z.b.V. 608 budgeted for Army Group A.
Wounded in September 1943