Heer Soldbuch and Wehrpass – Uffz Reuter – Killed by US Fighter Plane – Berchtesgaden April 1945

 Soldbuch and Wehrpass, including the death letters and correspondence. 

Reuter was from Düsseldorf, and served pre war in:

Schützen Regiment 1 (Gera) 

Although he spent most of the war with:

Grenz Abschnitt Nachrichten Kompanie 9 (526 Inf Div) 

It would seem that he spent most of the war in Occupied France. 

During the closing stages of the war he was assigned to s communications unit and was driving a truck in a convoy. 

He was according to the letters, hit by a fighter plane bullet, which hit him in the lung. The commanding officer recorded his body and brought the body in the night to a morgue in order to bury him properly. 

His grave is in Berchtesgaden today. 

See below, footage of air raids by US Aircraft on ground targets, most of these were filmed by onboard gun cameras.

In the rear of the Soldbuch was a racist poem, and a declaration that he is not of Jewish decent. 

This is a detailed set, directly connected to the US Airforce targeting troops on the ground.
