• Sale!

    Luftwaffe Wehrpass – Hauptmann Fuss – Flak Abteilung 541 ( 15. Flak-Division ) – Nice Portrait!

    Original price was: $265.00.Current price is: $225.00.

    Early Wehrpass issued to Waldemar Fuss, a world war 1 veteran he already had a considerable amount of medals from WW1. Some: EK2 – WW1 Wounds Badge – WW1 Annexation Medal War Merit Cross Second Class Medal for the Campaign against Communism with the ‘Krim’ Pin He served the majority of the war with: Flak Abteilung 541  They fought under both the : 17th and 15th Flak Divisions In Russia, Rumania. He also served on the home front, and ended the war with 240 Days in contact with enemy air raids! This group comes with all his capture papers and some wartime documents, also includes two nice photos. One of which is portrait size and wearing his Officers Visor.    

  • Heer Wehrpass – Uffz Meister – Radfahr Aufklärungs-Abteilung 34 (34 Inf Div) KIA 1941

    Issued to Uffz Meister he was in the following units: 

    Kavallerie Regiment 6

    Radfahr Aufklärungs-Abteilung 34 (34 Inf Div)

    After minor preliminary battles, the division was relocated to the Eifel at the turn of the year 1939/1940. With the beginning of the western campaign on May 10, 1940, the division crossed the Our near Wormeldingen and occupied the city of Luxembourg. Then the division turned via Longwy-Dudelange and stayed here as flank protection in front of the Maginot Line. During the second phase of the campaign, the “Battle of France”, the division fought its way to the Aisne, forced the river to cross at Guignicourt and stormed east from Reims to the Marne and then to the Loire to the Allier. After the armistice, the division secured the demarcation line and moved in July 1940 as an occupying force in the area southeast of Boulogne. In September 1940, the division moved to the Channel Coast for coastal protection. In December 1940, the third battalions were given up and replaced for realignments. At the end of May 1941 the division was transported to Poland by rail and made ready for the Russian campaign in front of Brest-Litowsk. On June 22, 1941, the division broke through the border fortifications south of Brest-Litovsk and then advanced across the Berezina to the Dnieper south of Mogilev. The division then crossed the Ssosh and then the Dessna north of Bryansk in early September. From October 1941, the division participated in the advance on Moscow and the occupation of Brjansk. This was followed by the advance to Ugra in the Torwakowo area and further over the Protwa and Nara to the Tarutino area in the Malojaroslavets area. Here the division met the Russian counter-offensive, so that they had to retreat to the Shanja position west of Medyn amid heavy defensive battles.

    Trained on:

    K98 Rifle, MG34, P08 


    1. Westwall Medal 
    2. Iron Cross Second Class – cert included signed by Generallt Behlendorf (Kings Cross Holder) 
    3. Assault Badge – Cert included

    He was killed in action in October 1941 in Russia.