• WWII German Wehrpass – Willi Köhnke – Picklehaube Picture WWI – Iron Cross


    Willi Köhnke was not called up in WWII according to his Wehrpass, although there is a picture of his service in WWI wearing the Pickelhaube. 

  • WWII German Kennkarte Last Model 1945


    Rarer version of the Kennkarte for a Woman

  • WWII German Kennkarte Dannenberg Elbe

  • WWII German Kennkarte Lüchow Young Boy

  • WWI & WWII German Army Wehrpass Musketeer Schulz – Res.Infanterie Reg Nr 74 – Wounded Argon 1916


    Both Wehrpasses from WWI and WWII for Adolf Schulz  Fought with Res.Infanterie Reg Nr 74 in WWI in the following battles:  6.1916 – Verdun  9.1916 – Trench Warfare in Argonne  9.1916 – Wounded in Argonne  1918 – Champagne, Flanders, Ypres, Monchy-Bapaume. Siegfried Line, Flanders (November 1918!)  March 1919 – Infanterie Regiment 165

  • WWII Luftwaffe Soldbuch – Obgef Wegener – Landeschützenzug 324 – Warsaw Airport – Wounded


    Wounded with a splinter in the chest, he was awarded the Black Wounds Badge and the Eastern Front medal.  According to https://www.ww2.dk/Airfields%20-%20Poland.pdf They were guarding airports in Warsaw.  The picture looks to be changed (?), hence the price. 

  • WWII Waffen SS Soldbuch – SS Sturmmann Wichmann – SS Jäger Btl 500 – Wounded Fighting Partisans – SS-Jagdverbände – Very Rare Unit


    Here we have a rather rare SS Unit, I have not seen any to this unit in many years dealing in IDs. Siegmund Wichmann was born in 1923 in Romania. He was enlisted/Volunteered for the Waffen SS in April 1943 with: Stammkompanie / SS Grenadier Ersatz Btl “Ost”  After training he was posted to his frontline unit: SS Grenadier Ausbildungs Btl “Ost” SS Jäger Btl 500 – Stabskompanie Commander SS-Sturmbannführer Beilhack Manpower strength 30 June 1944 – 1.271 SS-Jäger-Btl 500 was under the administrative command of 292. Infanterie-Division, which was part of Armee Gruppe Mitte from June 1941 to January 1945. A quick bit of research shows the divisional commander from 30.6.1944 to 1.9.1944 to have been Generalmajor Johannes Gittner. SS-Jäger-Btl 500 was engaged in security and anti-partisan operations behind the German lines during its time with 292. SS-Jäger-Btl 500 was disbanded in October 1944, the survivors being sent to SS-Panzergrenadier-Ausbildungs und Ersatz Btl 35, which was the depot of the SS-Jagdverbände and SS-Fallschirmjäger-Btl 500 and 600. Tessin: SS-Jäger-Btl.500 * 15. 4. 1944 zu 5 Kpn. aus dem Jäger-Btl. der Nachschub-Kdtr. Rußland-Mitte in Moorlager (Bereza-Kartuska bei Brest-Litowsk); im Partisaneneinsatz Mittelrußland, zuletzt Sept. 1944 bei Warschau; Okt. 1944 aufgelöst; Abwicklung beim SS-A usb.und Ers.Btl. 35 in Konitz. U: Sondertruppe RF -SS In March of 1945, it seems he was issued combat equipment once again including a rifle for combat with his replacement unit. SS Grenadier Ausbildungs und Ersatz Batl 25 – Konitz Westpreussen  Interestingly, SS-Jagdverbände merely used SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Ausb.u.Ers.Btl. 35 as a ‘cover’. SS-Führungs-Hauptamt order of 1.12.1944 changes the nomenclature from SS-Grenadier-Ausbildungs und Ersatz-Bataillon 35 to SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Ausb.u.Ers.Btl. 35 with effect from 15.11.1944. The latter designation was used as early as October 1944 in paybooks issued to members of SS-Fallschirmjäger-Btl 600 and the SS-Jagdverbände. Promoted SS Sturmmann – February 1945 – SS Grenadier Ersatz Btl 35 Awards  Black Wounds Badge – Wounded on the 15th of July 1944 – fighting Partisans Given in June of 1944 a special Führer Paket along with money. Last comments Very rare unit, directly engaged with fighting partisans.

  • WWII German Army Soldbuch Major Müller – Died POW Camp Russia 1946 – EK1 – Rare


    Soldbuch to Major Konrad Müller, born in Cologne in 1894. Worked as an architect and lived with his wife.  Served with the following front line units: Infanterie Regiment 453 – 14th Panzer Abwehr Kompanie  Eisenbahn Pionier Regiment 2  Eisenbahn Pionier Regiment 25  Eisenbahn Bau Btl 513 – Armee Korps 17  The remaining parts of AOK 17 were collected at Army Group South Ukraine. The reorganization of the 17th Army began there in May 1944. From the end of July 1944, the newly formed 17th Army was then deployed in Galicia between San and Wisloka. From the beginning of October 1944 to mid-January 1945, the army was deployed for positional battles on the Wisloka between the Vistula and the Carpathians. The army then had to endure heavy retreat battles in western Galicia and the Upper Silesian industrial area. Until the end of the war, the army fought in central Silesia between the Neisse and Lauban. The defense of Breslau also fell within its area. Awards: 25.5.1915 – Iron Cross Second Class 20.2.1918 – Iron Cross First Class 1934 – Hindenburg Cross 10.12.1940 – War Merit Cross – Second Class 27.1.1942 – War Merit Cross – First Class 10.8.1942 – Eastern Front Medal Entries on the last page:  Owner of this Soldbuch died in the hospital of POW Camp Tschesepowitz, Wologda 3.4.1946. Next of kin was informed. Müller was a Leader in the company Felten & Guilleaume. His family grave in Germany there is a memorial to him also, even though he lays without a marked grave near the camp and never has been properly buried. (Picture Attached)

  • WWI & WWII German Army Wehrpass – Muskiter Rücker – Infanterie Regiment Nr 68 – Battles 1914 France & Belgium – Ehrenkreuz Medal


    Interesting little lot, for Jakob Rücker, who fought with Infanterie Regiment Nr 68 Fought in the battles of : Neufchateu, Mass, Marne, Champagne, wounded in December 1914 near Perhos.  Interestingly the Boutonniere for the Honor Cross is seen in the Wehrpass picture! Comes with his Certificate and Medal also.