WWII German Wehrmacht Soldbuch – Uffz Reisser – Panzer Abteilung Norwegen – Narvik – Beutepanzerkompanie Stavanger – Panzer Wrap Picture! – rare (Offer Accepted)


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SKU: M412.Reisser Category:


Issued to the then soldier in 1939, Reisser was born in 1919 in Tübingen Germany.
He served on the Eastern Front with Infanterie Regiment 435, and almost froze to death in December of 1941 in Russia.

After his recovery, he was assigned to the Reseve Panzer Abteilung 7 and later to Panzer Abteilung Norwegen. According to his Equipment list it is like he commanded a tank. As he was issued Binoculars and a compass as well as a P38 Pistol.

interestingly he also had a private pistol, a Mauser 7.65mm, he handed this ver when the German later capitulated as it is made note of.

Awards; Eastern Front Medal and the Wounds Badge in Black.

It was in Stavanger , in southern Norway , that in 1942 – 1943 , the German command created the Beutepanzerkompanie Stavanger (= armored capture company; that is to say, using vehicles captured from the enemy armies), mainly equipped with French Hotchkiss and Somua tanks . It was intended to replace, temporarily, the 25th Panzer Division , when the latter was sent to the Eastern Front in the summer of 1943 .

Nearly everything I have seen on the market related to Norway is related not to Armoured Units.