WWII German Soldbuch Grouping – Hauptmann Eigner – Tank Commander – Panzerjäger Abl 543 – Jagdpanzer IV – Iron Cross First Class – Attempt for Budapest Breakout 1945 – Ultra Rare (Sold)
Soldbuch issued to Officer Cadet Dr Helmut Eigner in September 1939 with:
Infanterie Panzer Abwehr Ersatz Kompanie 3 – Infantry replacement unit, Tank Destruction
His first deployment was with:
Panzer Abwehr Kompanie 188 – Panzerjäger Abt 188 (88 Infanterie Division)
He was awarded his EK2 for actions in France June 1940.
In mid-May 1940, the division moved to the Trier area as an OKH reserve and marched from there from May 16, 1940 through Luxembourg and northern France to the Marne. On June 12, 1940, the division experienced its baptism of fire when crossing the river in the Dormans – Trekop area. The division then pursued the retreating French units to the Loire. After the end of the western campaign, the division remained on the Loire in the Bourges area until July 1 and then returned home.
He then was redeployed with:
Schnelle Abteilung 296 / Panzerjäger Abt 296 (296 Infanterie Division)
There is a large divisional history on this unit here: https://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Gliederungen/Infanteriedivisionen/296ID.htm
They fought in Southern Russia, Ukraine, and were destroyed there in 1944 in the Bobruisk area.
Panzerjäger Abteilung 543 (Zerstörer Kompanie) – 3rd Panzer Division
really nice company entry here, Zerstörer Company means the Tank destroying Company.
According to the book, Days of battle by Szamveber. This unit was equip with 17 Jagdpanzer IVs
In December 1944, the division at Army Group Center was refreshed and given new field post numbers. On December 10, the 3rd Panzer Division was moved south again to western Hungary near Székesfehérvár. From January 18, 1945, she took part in the unsuccessful relief attack for the enclosed Budapest. After Operation Spring Awakening, which had started in February and was also unsuccessful, the division withdrew to Austria, where it surrendered on May 8, 1945 and was taken prisoner of war by the Americans.
- Iron Cross Second Class – June 1940 – France
- August 1942 – Wounds Badge
- July 1942 – Eastern Front Medal
- March 1943 – Iron Cross First Class
- April 1943 – General Assault Badge
- April 1945 – War Merit Cross with Swords – Second Class (3 Panzer Division)
Close Combat Days
- September 1941 – Kyiv Ukraine
- March 1942 – Attack Troops on Hill 26012
Award Certificates:
- Iron Cross Second Class – France, Passy Crigny – Signed Knighs Cross Winner – Friedrich Gollwitzer (27 April 1889 – 25 March 1977)
- Iron Cross First Class – Divisional HQ – Knights Cross with Oak Leaf – Arthur Kullmer (17 August 1896 – 28 March 1953)
- Eastern Front Medal – 296 Pz Jäger – Signed by Major and Abt Commander.
- General Assault Badge – 296 Pz Jäger – signed by Captain i.v
- Wounds badge in Black – Signed again by Major and Abt Commander
Other Documents:
- Happy Christmas – Hand Drawn from Company in 1943
- Hand Drawn invite to a event organised by the unit
Final Comments:
Extraordinary! This is a top shelf for any real advanced Panzer Collector, the Jagdpnazer IV was an extremely rare Tank Hunter. It will be hard to beat this Soldbuch Grouping if your after any tank Hunters. Note the amazing photo of Eigner in his Panzer Wrap Uniform and his Iron Cross on display, a pretty amazing imagine.