WWII German Army Wehrpass – Uffz Quick – Stab – 2rd Fallschirmjäger Division – France 1944 – Iron Cross – Ground Assault Badge Luftwaffe (Sold)

SKU: AM145 Category:


Wehrpass issued to Max Quick, born in Dortmund Germany in 1918.

He joined a Flieger replacement unit in July 1939.

By 1942, he was with the Stab of the following units:

1. 10 Flieger Division
2. LW Feld Div
3. Fallschrimjäger Abt Nancy – France
4. 2 Fallschirmjäger Div – Stabsquartier

Interesting career, on further research Fallschrimjäger Abt Nancy was in battle in the area of Nancy-Luneville. One of the Medical unit won the Knights Cross there, https://www.tracesofwar.com/persons/41641/Langemeyer-Carl.htm

Quick earned the following awards:
1. Iron Cross Second Class
2. Ground Assault Badge of the Luftwaffe
3. Wounds Badge in Black

Final Comments:
A nice Wehrpass, worthy of a little more research for the France 1944 collectors. A nice item that would suit any advanced collection of FJ items.