WWI US AEF – Chaplain LeVeer – Table Service Crusifix and Wooden Box – 26th Division Yankee – Original Rare (Offer Accepted)
Chaplain Arthur Joseph LaVeer was born along the Connecticut River in the Northeast Kingdom (a regional name) town of Bloomfield, Vermont on February 3rd, 1886. Commissioned as a 1st Lt. on August 22nd, 1918, LeVeer was quickly sent overseas to serve as a chaplain with the 102nd Infantry Regiment of the 26th “Yankee
Division.”Father LeVeer served at St. Norbert’s Church in Hardwick for the remainder of his life.
Photo – Found on the web, shows LeVeer in uniform and later in life. (Last 4 photos are reference only)
Incredibly rare items
If your interested in learning more about this Chaplain I was able to find very good info from this website; Thanks to Mr Gauthier.