Wehrpass – Uffz Hundesghagen – Fest Inf Batl 664 – (210ID) – “Lappland Shield” Norway- North Pole – Panzerschreck Operator! (SOLD)
Wehrpass to Unteroffizier HundeshagenÂ
Interesting and unusual unit!
Hundeshagen was a prewar volunteer, who would leave the army in 1937 only to rejoin in 1942, serving with various units he spent the majority of the war in various units in Norway and on the North Pole.Â
Festungs Infanterie Battalion 664Â
The 210th Infantry Division was established from July 10th – July 13th 1942 set up in Kassel, Dönchelager. On September 1, 1942, the division took command of the Norwegian coastal area from the Kirkenes section to the Tana section and was subordinated to the Norwegian Corps. After Finland surrendered, the division was deployed to northern Norway.Â
He was trained on the following weapons: Panzerschreck (38), Rifle M.95 (j), Rifle 302 (f), MG 138 (l), 8,8mm Panzerscheck (54)Â
Awarded the War Merit Cross with Swords and the Lappland Shield.Â
Hundeshagen surrendered on the 8th of May 1945 in Norway, and it seems he was sent to France to a POW Camp (come swith French POW release papers).Â