Wehrpass – Patzer – Oberfeldwebel (NCO) CROATIAN UNIT! Croatian Medals & EK2!



Oberfeldwebel Patzer (NCO) CROATIAN UNIT! Croatian Medals, and EK2! 

A nice interesting first model Wehrpass, Patzer was taken out of the RAD in 1936 to join a Luftwaffe Replacement Unit. He served in the Luftwaffe till Mid 1943, he was a trained MG15 Gunner! 

Trained on – K98, Light MG 13, Luger P08, MG 15! 

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Took training as  –  Machine Gunner! 

FP Nr. 35217 – Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur (E) 31/XI in in St. Trond (Belgium)

He served with this unit in Germany, then in the fight against France, Armel Kanal, then Belgium (Flandern) Then again fighting in France n 1940. He then went into combat with the Luftwaffe on the fight against England! See page 32. 

He then served as Costal Protection on the begin Coast, and served as a Occupying force in Belgium. 

His next Unit would be the most Interesting, 

In 1944 he went into the Wehrmacht with Grenadier Regiment 891, they were sent from Belgium to Croatia with the 264. Infantry Division. 

In December 1944 his unit is recorded to have been wiped out. He survived and went on to a training unit for Croatian Soldiers. 

His last Posting is – Kroat Ausbildung Brig 

Fought under the 392.Infantry Division (kroatische) 

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They would later go into action under the ‘’Gneisenau’’ and went into action on 5.4.1945 in Lower Austria. 

On the 17.4.1945 he was found to be fit for frontline duty! 

See: http://www.znaci.net/00001/180_5.pdf

His medals – 

1. Sudetenerinnerungsmedaille, for the taking of the Sudetenland (CZ Rep). 

2. Iron Cross 2nd Class – 2.6.1940 – Whilst in Belgium with the Luftwaffe fighting against the English RAF. 

3.  Kroatien Tapferkeitsmedaille in Silber – Croatian Bravery medal in Silver (See picture) Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 14.51.49

An interesting Wehrpass, to a long serving Wehrmacht Soldier that seen a fair amount of Action and Training! 



Croatian Wehrmacht Soldiers Footage! 
