Wehrpass – Feldwebel Noack – PzReg24 (24PD) – PzIII Commander in Stalingrad! – PzJagd Kdo Potsdam 1945 (Sold)



Wehrpass to Feldwebel Georg Noack

Noack was born in 1917 in Naumburg / Saale, into a protestant family. He was married and was a salesman in his civilian life. 

By 1938 he was a volunteer in Kavallarie Regiment 8, by the time the war started he was in:

Reiter Regiment 21

Deployed on October 25, 1939 from the 1st Cavalry Brigade. There were now two brigades, each with two cavalry regiments. The division began the western campaign on May 10, 1940 in North Holland. After achieving their goals it was ordered back to their quarters in the Emsland and from there deployed again in France. The advance led the division west of Amiens past towards Paris and then via Saumur to the La Rochelle – Royan area on the Atlantic. In August 1940, the division was moved from the Bordeaux area in a five-day rail transport to the area west of the Bug, where it spent the time leading up to the start of the Russian campaign with training. On June 22, 1941 the war with Russia began for the division as well. The division’s mission was to cover the southern flank of Panzer Group Guderian. During the first months in Russia it soon became apparent that the division could no longer fully fulfil the tasks assigned to it in the present structure. It was therefore renamed and reclassified to the 24th Panzer Division on November 28, 1941 using all units.

His next unit:

9./ Panzer Regiment 24 

The regiment fought its way through Voronezh and Bykowo to Stalingrad as part of the 24th Panzer Division. It was here the regiment went down in the encirclement. 

Noack was wounded in Stalingrad earning him a ticket out in November/December 1942. 

According to his Wehrpass he was trained as a Tank Gunner and Tank Commander of a Panzer III. See below for an exact model of his regiment at Stalingrad…

After his wounding he would go on to train on the Panther Tank at Erlangen, but as the war continued was sent to the following units… 

Sicherungs Battalion der Heeresgruppe Nord 

April 1945 – Pz Jagdverband ‘P’ – Potsdam, it could be that this unit took part in the some battles around Berlin in 1945. 

After a short stint with the above unit he was sent to another unit in Schwerin where he was likely captured. 


His medals: 

Medal for the Annexation 1938 

Wounds Badge in Black 

Iron Cross Second Class

Assault Badge 


This is a nice Wehrpass to a highly desirable unit during the battle of Stalingrad. His wounding was a ticket out of the downfall of his unit.Â