Wehrmacht Soldbuch – Uffz Rothengass – Grenadier Regiment 104 (15 Pz Div) DAK & France – EK2 (Sold)
Soldbuch to Unteroffizier Walther Rothengass
Rothengass was born in 1915 in the area of Pforzheim, Germany.
The Soldbuch was issued in 1939 with Grenz Infanterie Regiment 125
The Grenz-Infanterie-Regiment 125 was formed on 10 November 1938 in Saarbrücken and was redesignated Infanterie-Regiment 125 when it was mobilized.
He was sent to Africa in October 1942, with the 15th Panzer Division, leaving one month later arriving in Munich with dysentery.
It seems he was assigned in August 1944 to, he was assigned to Panzer Grenadier Regiment 104, (15th Panzergrenadier Division).
Division Info:
In mid-August 1944, the division was assembled in the area south of Paris-Troyes. Defensive battles for Lusigny followed. As part of the defensive battle for Lorraine, the division fought in the area south-east of Verdun – north-east of St. Dizier – around Bar le Duc.
This was followed by defensive fighting west of the Moselle around Lunéville until September 1944.
After that, the division at Chateau-Salins was refreshed at short notice.
Fighting ensued southwest of Chateau-Salins to east of Lunéville. In October and November 1944, the division fought a defensive battle west of the West Wall for the Saar.
He was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class in November 1944 for fighting in these defensive battles.
It would seem he was not in Italy in 1944, Considering the EK2 was the last entry he must have been captured shortly after. He is not listed as killed in action. A nice Lorraine related Soldbuch.