Soldbuch – SS Rottenführer Busch – ‘Mussolini Guards’ (II.Kdo.Stab.RFSS) (Sold)
SS Soldbuch to Rottenführer Erich Busch
Some information has been removed from this description.
Busch would join a rather rare unit made up of around 600 men it was the main bodyguard unit that would escort Musolini.
SS-Begleitkommandos des Duce
SS Escort unit for Mussolini!
Member of the II./Flak -Abt RFSS and in April 1945 – SS Escort of the Duce. In March 1944 this 2nd Flak Abt of the Reichsführer-SS Command Staff was relocated to Gargnano to protect Mussolini’s Italian seat of government. (Klietmann, Waffen-SS, a documentation, p. 408)
The II SS Flak Abt Kommando Stab “RF-SS” was named under “Fixed Flak Units” with 1 heavy and two light batteries. (See also Stöber, Flak der Waffen-SS, p. 22 & 362)
The II./Flak-Abt RFSS is still mentioned for April 1945 under an SS-Sturmbannführer Brusted or Braustedt (or similar) in Gargagno. (Copy from BA-MA NS 756/345, without reference to the origin) Unfortunately, the commander cannot be identified any further.
To a previously unknown extent, II./Flak-Abt RFSS of the Reichsführer-SS command staff seems to have been involved in the protection and guarding.
In May 1945, the anti-aircraft division, marching north towards Kaltern, was stopped in the mountains by partisans, whereupon it finally surrendered to the Americans. (Klietmann, Waffen-SS, a documentation, p. 408)
An extremely rare SS Soldbuch!