Soldbuch – Oberst Paul Demuth – Regimental Commander – EK1 – Order of the Romanian Star (Only 300!) – Russia & Norway (HOLD)
Soldbuch of Oberst Paul DemuthÂ
Paul Demuth was born on the 1st of April 1894 in Hahnenklee in Saxony, Germany. Demuth was a career Officer.Â
Demuths Soldbuch was opened on the 3rd of September 1939 by Artillerie Regiment 216, 216 Infanterie Division.Â
1940 –Â Artillerie Regiment 67Â
1941 / 1942 – Stab – Artillerie Regiment 54 – Fought in Southern Russia, wounded.Â
1943Â – Stab – Artillerie Regiment 617 – Southern RussiaÂ
1944 – Heeres Küsten Artillerie Regiment 974 – in Sandmessjöen under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Demuth and had the task of supporting the 14th Luftwaffe Field Division in repelling a possible Allied invasion.
1945 – Heeres Küsten Artillerie Regiment 972 in Northern Norway, in Tromsö. Here Demuth was the Regimental Commander.Â
Security CheckÂ
There are a few security checks but one stands out, the Signature of Oberst Hans-Joachim Fouquet with Artilleriekommando 107 in December 1943. Fouquet was a winner of the German Cross in Gold and was promoted on his death to Generalmajor. He was badly wounded trying to break out of the Cherkassy Pocket in 1944, and died of his wounds in captivity.Â
7.2.1940 – to Major with Artillerie Regiment 67Â
7.4.1942 – to Oberstleutnant with Artillerie Regiment 54Â
1.4.1945 – to Oberst with Heeres Küsten Artillerie Regiment 972Â
Issued a Wehrmacht Issue Watch with eh Serial Number: D 326953H in May 1943.Â
Owned his own Pistol which he bought from Wehrmacht captured weaponry, a CZ Model 27, 7,65mm Pistol.Â
In Oslo on the 25.3.1944 he was issued a pair of gloves, normal shoes and a new M43 cap.Â
Demuth had several normal operations
26.4.1941 – Wounded with grenade splinters on the forehead (noticeable on his picture), upper leg and finger, as well as ear damage. Demuth would spend till January 1942 in hospital recovering.Â
20.8.1941 – Order of the Romanian Star with Swords for Officers – Extremely rare award only 300 were awarded.Â
4.8.1941 – Clasp for the Iron Cross Second ClassÂ
22.11.1941 – Iron Cross First ClassÂ
20.2. 1942 – Wounds Badge in BlackÂ
A nice clean Soldbuch to a combat experienced veteran of both World Wars! Demuth won not only both classes of the Iron Cross but won an extremely rare Order only one of 300 ever to be awarded. Demuth seen combat first hand surviving being wounded heavily once. Soldbücher to Colonels rarely come up on the market anymore, and this is a nice chance to add one to your collection.Â