Soldbuch – Oberleutnant – EK1, EK2, KVK – With Sturm Tage! Great ID Photo! POW Papers! Ardennes! EK1 in 1945!
Soldbuch to OberLt Haug – In 1943 he was Promoted to Oblt. His occupation before he was called up was a teacher!
Interestingly he served with Feld Ersatz Btl 246 – Under the 246 Volks Grenadier Division!
They were fighting in the area of Monschau during the Ardennes Offensive! Â
he had his own 7.65mm Pistol.
His Medals are interesting –
Westwall Medal
Iron Cross Second class
Black wounds badge
KVK 2nd Class
Iron Cross first Class! – in 1945!
Note his picture – It seems to have been made after his injury. Note his Black wounds badge and his DRL badge!
The entry stamp for the EK1 is hard to make out! But likely won it in Germany in March 1945! The unit seems to be a Recon Abt – 9
Interesting to note is the Two pieces of paper in the rear of the Soldbuch – One for Infantry Assault Badge and the other for a SturmTage!
His POW Papers are included – looks like he was handed over to the US Army!