Soldbuch – Neitzel – Artillery School BERLIN! FRENCH POW! GROUPING!



Soldbuch – Neitzel

His unit was an interesting Berlin Unit – Artillery School Berlin.

They were destroyed and the remaining men went into Allied hands on the 27th April 1945 in Franzensbad/Eger (CZ Rep). 

He was sent to a French POW Camp – in Brivet and Rennes. 

He had his own Pistol, he was when captured injured – injury to the eft Elbow and he was sent home 9.10.1946.

Note the Fench Letters from his POW Service! 

Also included is his initial POW form, detailing where and when he was captured – 27.April 1945! 

Also included is his Wehrmachtfahrschein from Berlin in 1945! You can see he arrived and received a Stamp in Eger from the Commander in 1945! 

Comes with all his items as pictured, interesting Capture forms, with time and place he was caught etc.Â