Luftwaffe Wehrpass – FJ Benkus – Fsch Pionier E.u.B Batl 1 – Holland & KIA Remagen



Luftwaffe Wehrpass for Horst Benkus

Born in 1926 in the area of Insterburg, Benkus was enlisted in August 1943 as a volunteer.

He volunteered to fight with a Luftwaffe Field division.

In July 1944 he was sent to:

Fallschirm-Pionier-Ersatz- und Ausbildungs-Bataillon 1 with later formed, Fallschrimjäger Pionier Regiment 20 

Interestingly, he was serving in Holland from February 1944 till July 1944.

It seems he was killed in or near Remagen in May 1945. He died at 19 years old.