Luftwaffe Soldbuch – Oberfeldwebel Böhnke – Missing in Action Pilot – EK2/Transport Clasp Silver! (Sold)
Soldbuch to Oberfeldwebel Walter Böhnke.
A pilot in :
Luftdienstkommando Ostland
Flugzeugüberführungs-Geschwader 1 – Responsible for flying new aircraft to their units!
1.Pilots Badge
2. Transport Clasp Bronze
3. Transport Clasp Silver
4. Iron Cross Second Class
On 15th of October 1944, he did not return from one of his missions.
He is missing since and must have crashed somewhere in Poland. We will never know the real fate of this Pilot or what happened on his last flight…
The Soldbuch is a 100% complete with all pages and the portrait photo. Notice the rare light blue variant of the Luftwaffe Soldbuch which was made in Berlin Gatow!