Heer Wehrpass – Schütze Hägele – Infanterie Regiment 591 (323 ID) – Last Letters – Sad grouping

Grouping to Schütze Hägele. 

He served with Infanterie Regiment 591 (323 ID) in Russia, from March 1942 till he was killed in August of 1942 in the Woronesh Area. 

He was hit in the head with a bullet according to his Wehrpass. 


Sadly, he wrote to his wife just before his death (Feldpost 15.8.1942). 

A letter from his Commander to his wife states the details of his last days, stating that he was hit in the head with a bullet and was killed immediately, that he was buried in the Divisions Cemetery in Nikolaijewka near Woronesch. 

A tragic grouping, highlighting the loss of a young married man. With further research his last letters could be translated. 

Footage of the Battle where he was killed.


