Heer Wehrpass – Hauptmann Donner – Grenadier Regiment 380 (215 ID) – Company Commander – KIA Latvia 1944 (Offer Accepted)

Wehrpass to Hauptmann Karl Donner, born in 1918 in Austria. 

He spent a short time in Graz, in the RAD. 

His frontline units are as follows:

Infanterie Regiment 738 (718. Infanterie-Division)

From 5.1941 till 12..1941 

For more info: https://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Gliederungen/Infanteriedivisionen/718ID.htm

Infanterie Regiment 380 – (215 Inf Div) 

Following the refresher, the division was deployed in front of Leningrad and fought at Staro Panowo and Urizk. In 1943 the division stood at Schliisselburg, on the Ssinjawino Heights and at Krassny Bor, later at Mga, on the Neva knee and between Pushkin and Alexandrowka. From January 1944 the division had to withdraw to Pleskau via the Ishora and the Luga. The division was then placed in the “Panther” position, where trench warfare took place until May 1944. After a brief refresher, there were defensive battles north of Ostrow, which were followed by a retreat via Dünaburg and Birsen to Bauske and, from October 1944, to Courland. The division fought here until February 1945.


  1. Iron Cross Second Class
  2. Infantry Assault Badge 
  3. Iron Cross First Class
  4. Wounds Badge in Black 

He was killed due to grenade splinters south of Dunaburg, likely on the border with Belarus. 

Summary, the Wehrpass comes with a photo of Donners grave, stating his old rank. This Wehrpass for a Company commander is rather rare, as it is very hard to find company commanders!  


Additional information

Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 30 in