Wehrpass – Oberlt Ganser – KIA CHARKOW! EK1,EK2 & More Panzer Jäger! Death letter



This is an exceptional Wehrpass to Oberleutnant Otto Ganser –  from Ulm.

He served with many units but those worth a mention are –

Aufklärungs-Abteilung 5  – Kommandant von Ulm 5. Infantry Division.

Aufklärungs-Abteilung 7 – Artillerieführer VII 7. Infanterie-Division

Panzerjäger-Abteilung 296 – Under the 296 Infantry Division

Panzerjäger-Abteilung 355 – under the 355. Infantry Division


Extensive weapons training!
K98a, Luger P08, LMG13,LMG 08/15, Kar K 30, HMG 08, MP18, Geschütz, LMG 34, MG34, Handgranate 24.

Seems he was in service since 1930 with the Reichswehr for 5 Months. Drivers licence 1, 2 and 3.

He was to be used on the front line as – Zugführer – Troop Leader!

Served in
Austria Annexation
Invasion of Sudetenland and Mähren
Invasion of Poland
France – Fought in Dunkirk!

Medals and awards  

Long Service Wehrmacht – 4th class
Shooting Lanyard – Rifle
Reichs Sport Badge in Bronze
DR Sports Badge
Sudetenland Campaign Medal
Austria Medal with Clasp
Iron Cross Second Class – For fighting near the Swiss Border in 1940!
Iron Cross First Class – Awarded 7.1.1942
Black Wounds Badge – 3.3.1942
Eastern Front Medal – 29.8.1942

On 27.12.1941 He was injured whilst with Rad Fahr Schwadron 296 near Tula with a bullet stopping in his shoulder.

His battle list is very long and spans across both normal sides with two fold outs and even a extra mention of his battles on page 35!

Included in the lot is a letter from Hauptmann Klein from PanzerJäg Abel 355.

It sadly notes the details of Oberlt Gansers death – He was killed by a Russian Airplane bomb that landed in his position during a large battle.

He was promoted on his Death to Oberleutnant.

Also included is his – Death Certificate.

He was Killed in Action on 28.8.1943 near Charkow Russia. In the Belgorod-Khar’kov Offensive Operation.



[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1ioFC4JV4s’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ custom_class=” av_uid=’av-312vou’]